Just Me... (go back »)

June 30 2008, 2:15 AM


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I am open minded, I'm a romantic, I blush and say "Awww" all the time. I think everything is funny as long as it doesn't happen to me ..hehe...I am Superr Silly,I love dogs, and I'll probably ignore you and spend more time with your dog than you. I love LV purses, I carry everything even things I don't really need. I tend to get lost when I drive by myself... I'm just an all around average girl and I am pretty much open enough to embrace and enjoy anything. I am usually nice to even people that hate me , but... don't see it as a sign of weakness! I treat people the way I would like to be treated. I love jokes, and Snapple facts. I can be really hyper, and sometimes loud. I believe in soul mates. I love to cuddle. I love to baby talk to my dog. When I trip and [sometimes fall] while walking, I don't even try to play it off, I laugh at myself.


More randomness

I don't always think the best of every situation. I hardly ever get mad, but I'm human and it happens. I know I am my own best friend and I'll always be there for myself. I love surprises..I'm just a girl with a lot of love to offer. I think life is not worth anything if you don't have love for yourself or for others. I laugh about things that happened awhile ago and laugh about it as if I heard it the first time. Sometimes when I walk I stare at my feet. I like peanut butter sandwiches on patatoe bread. I would walk a mile just to see your smile," but only knowing that you would walk the other mile to meet me half way, in friendships its 50/50. Too many people get hurt when all they do is give. "Never make someone a priority when they only make you an option." If I love you, I'll make you my everything! I never jump to conclusions, there's always 3 sides to a story (his side, her side, and the truth!) I beleive everyone should have honesty and integrity.....

My Best Features

LOL! uuhh...hhmmm.... My J -Lo Butt! My big brown eyes and my big smile! I often get asked, "Do you ever get told you look like Eva Langoria?" I love that! Thats my home girl! My age is good to me!! Don't be deceived by my age....Am I 27....


What I'm Into

"Work'n on my fitness!!" I religiously go to the gym 3 times a week, sometimes 4!

"Strength is not gained overnight; it is cultivated over time."

My Dreams

Complete my education in Human Resources Management . I think to have an education is important, but its up to that person if they want to improve themselves and strive for a better future! Money doesnt come looking for you, you have to go after it to attain it!

"You can't stand still, your either moving forward or falling behind, the choice is yours!"




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  • Female
  • 27 years old


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